Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Little Obsession

Lately I've been obsessed with camping. Not like the camping normal people do, more like gorgeous camping. Pretty acrylic dishes and old fashion canvas bell tents, bunting flags, hammocks and gourmet cooking. I want it all. On a budget, of course. As much as I want a WWII bell tent replica, there is no way I am about to spend close to a grand on one. Especially since reviewers say they are crazy heavy and hard to assemble. But seriously, aren't they amazing?

So, if I can't have an actual bell tent, I MUST have a tent worthy of a pretty picture, right? So I've been on the lookout for a pretty white, old fashion style tent. Maybe like this one:

At the very least, it won't be ugly bright yellow and grey and mess up my color scheme ;) Iv'e also been daydreaming about a big hammock, with a pretty, frilly trim hanging beneath a billowing mosquito net. Just the perfect place to read a book, away from all the bugs.Meep! I am working on making a detachable fringe for the sides of the hammock, just in case I want to de-girlify it for a game day bbq or something. I will also need to make matching bunting flags for the tent, I think...  

I've been getting my inspirations from this book my hubby ordered for me. He's so cute. I started talking about chickens and gardening and camping one day so he bought me a bunch of books on Amazon to surprise me. I am in love with this one:

Not only is it full of recipes on homemade marshmallows and gram crackers, it also has old world recipes like Chinese Tea Eggs (and foraging for snails for an escargot feast. Ahh!)

And my favorite part about the recipes is that it teaches you to use your dutch oven as an actual oven, by piling coals on the top of the pot, so you can make things like "campfire crumpets and scones" How fun!!

The book also has tidbits of information like this:

If you want to star gaze on your camping trip, there is a star chart, naturally

And what camping trip would be complete without a few folk tunes by the fire? Sheet music!! So cute!!


I am on a creative roll here. I am so excited to put all my ideas together and see it come to fruition on a actual trip. Ours is planed for next month on my birthday :)  I have so much to do before then!



  1. I can't remember where I saw this, but I found a place that offers such a luxurious camping experience! I'm sure you would love it. I feel like a fool for not remembering where it is now :(

    xo katie elizabeth

  2. If you ever remember, Katie, Please tell me!! I need some inspirations... and possibly destinations! Thanks for the comment :)

  3. I just HAVE to remember to bring a star chart with me on my next camping trip, it is a superb idea.
